Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Here we present the teaching activities of researchers; note that in addition to the classes here, five team members (Th. Chatain, P. Gastin, S. Haddad, C. Picaronny and S. Schwoon) are full-time professors (professeurs ou maître de conférences) of ENS Cachan and fulfill their teaching obligations there.

  • Master : Stefan Haar, Analyse structurelle de Réseaux de Petri, 15 TDEQ, M2 SAR, UPMC

  • Agrégation: Stefan Haar, Algorithmique, ca. 20 TDEQ, Préparation Agrégation option informatiqe, ENS Cachan

Thomas Chatain and Stefan Schwoon gave lectures on unfoldings of Petri nets at the Petri Nets 2013 conference.


  • Thomas Chatain, Concurrency in Real-Time Distributed Systems, from Unfoldings to Implementability, ENS Cachan, defended Dec. 13, 2013; garant: Stefan Haar

  • HdR : Stefan Schwoon, Efficient verification of sequential and concurrent systems, ENS Cachan, defended Dec. 6, 2013; garant: Stefan Haar

  • Benjamin Monmege, Specification and Verification of Quantitative Properties: Expressions, Logics, and Automata , ENS Cachan, defended Oct 24, 2013; Supervisors: Paul Gastin and Benedikt Bollig.

  • César Rodrîguez, Verification Based on Unfoldings of Petri Nets with Read Arcs, ENS Cachan, defended Dec 12, 2013; Supervisor: Stefan Schwoon

PhD in progress
  • Benoît Barbot, Rare event handling in statistical model checking, since September 2011; Supervisors: Serge Haddad and Claudine Picaronny.

  • Aiswarya Cyriac, Verification of Communicating Recursive Programs via Split-width, since September 2010; Supervisors: Paul Gastin and Benedikt Bollig.

  • Hernán Ponce de Léon, Testing concurrent systems using event structures, ENS Cachan, since September 2011; Supervisors: Stefan Haar and Delphine Longuet

  • Simon Theissing, Supervision of Multi-Modal Transport Systems, since September 2013, ENS Cachan/Inria/IRT SystemX project MIC; Supervisor: Stefan Haar

  • Salim Perchy, D-Spaces, Ecole Polytechnique, since November 2013; main supervisor : Supervisors: Frank D. Valencia (COMETE Team) and Stefan Haar


Paul Gastin

was a reviewer

  • of the PhD thesis of Amélie Stainer, Rennes , defended on Nov. 25;

  • and of the HdR thesis of Loic Helouet, Rennes, defended on May 17.

As supervisor of Benjamin Monmege, he also served as rapporteur on the jury of his defense, on Oct 24.

Stefan Haar

was a reviewer of the PhD theses of

  • Elisabeta Mangioni, Univ. Milan-Bicocca, Italy,

  • Florent Avellaneda, Univ. Aix-Marseille, defended Dec 10, and

  • Sébastien Chédor, Université Rennes 1, defended on January 7, 2014.

Except for the defence of E. Mangioni, he also participated in the respective juries. Moreover, he was jury president for the defence of Aurore Junier, ENS Cachan, defended on December 16 in Rennes, and examinateur in the PhD jury of César Rodríguez, defended December 12. He also was a member of the HdR juries (as garant) of Stefan Schwoon (December 6) and Thomas Chatain (December 13), both at ENS Cachan.

Serge Haddad

was a reviewer for the PhD thesis of Henri Debrat in Nancy and member of the Jury on December 6, 2013. He also served on the jury for the HdR of Kais Klai at Université Paris 13/ Nord on December 9, 2013.

Stefan Schwoon

was examinateur for the PhD thesis of Yan Zhang at Université Paris 6. [18] , [22] , [23] , [17] , [19] , [21]